Thursday, August 20, 2009

Garden Update

Look at my great harvest! There are still lots of potatoes still growing in my garden. I was so excited to see how wonderful my potatoes grew this year. Carter helped me harvest the potatoes and cabbage. I dug the potatoes and he picked them off the vines. Even Freddie helped. He likes to toss the potatoes around and then eat them. I missed most of the apricots but the few still on the tree were delicious. The peach tree is loaded. I need to plan my next trip in time to pick them.

The boys had a great time swimming. Aren't they the cutest? Alice and the boys were able to get away from their small apartment for a few days and spend time with Carl at Uncle Carl's house. Braeden loves to play the Wii with Carl. Carter likes to help outside. They love to climb the tree off the deck. Tanner discovered how to roll down the hill.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Family Reunion Fun Times

Joe's family had their family reunion over the weekend of the 24th of July. It was fun. We took Braeden and Carter with us to Idaho as their parents were moving that weekend and were not able to attend. We had a great time visiting with all Joe's brothers and sisters, spouses, nieces and nephews etc. We spent part of Friday at Porter Park in Rexburg. There is a really neat old restored carousel and a 'water spray' playground equipment at the park.

Braeden and Carter playing on the Water Spray playground. They had a ball. After playing at the park we went to Sue's house for supper. Lyle's famous Vinegar grilled chicken with Dutch oven potatoes and salad.

Saturday we gathered at Richard's home for breakfast cooked on the grill outside. All the kids had a ball playing outside in the yard and the adults had a great time catching up with everyone.Carl, Doug and Jessica were there from our family.