Sunday, April 12, 2009

My New LED Light

I am so excited. Last night I bought a LED Grow light off ebay. One of the things I really miss living in a small apartment with no yard is having a garden. I have tried growing things on our small deck but we don't get enough direct sun light. A few months ago I heard about LED grow lights and became very excited about them until I started pricing them--200 - 500 dollars. So there goes that idea. I asked Joe how hard it would to build one. (For those of you that don't know Joe is an electronics engineer and for the past ten years he has been designing and manufacturing printed circuit boards that go in a computer system for LED signs. So we have learned a thing or two about LED's. I researched how to build a grow light and the cost of the LED's and it was going to cost a little more than we thought. I then went back to ebay and found a small grow light for $25.00 and bid on and won. I am so excited. Tomorrow I am going to go and get seeds and dirt and a pot and plant lettuce---to start with. I will let you know if we get lettuce.