Sunday, July 11, 2010

How Does My Garden Grow Chapter 4

I planted four tomato plants which two are doing great and two tomatillo plants. They have tons of blossoms and tomatillos. Does anyone know when they are ready to pick?
The cabbages are doing great and the three pepper plants have peppers growing. My herbs are loving the heat and doing well, except my basil which would like a little shade.

We got one nice picking of my peas before it got too hot. I need to plant them where they will get some shade so they don't get to hot. But they taste really good. I have a lot to learn about gardening in the heat of Utah. Idaho has cooler weather and that makes a big difference in how plants grow. I am growing watermelon which likes the heat. So far no baby watermelons growing. I thought by now I would be seeing some on the plants. Will watch and see.
The lettuce has come and almost gone. It got so hot so fast that my poor lettuce is having a hard time not just giving up. For some reason the Butter Crunch lettuce didn't grow, I think I planted the wrong variety. Next month I will replant all my lettuce's again and hope they will be ready to eat before it freezes. I know that it is hard to think about anything freezing but....